Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sri Lanka lights up with an outpouring of sensitivity and Creativity

From a single candle lit simple home made lantern, to the mammoth creations involving many days and months of hard work and intricate handcrafting, Sri Lanka will light up in devotion in celebrating Wesak, the festival of lights.

While illuminations play their part in commemorating the birth, enlightenment and death of Gautama the Buddha, religious activities at places of worship will take place simultaneously. Giving of alms will be a dominant feature as will be meditation and singing of praise of the Budda in Bakthi Gee.

Sri Lanka Tourism’s Wesak activities will feature the southern coastal towns of Bentota and Beruwela. Whole communities whose livelihoods are dependant on the tourism industry, are currently engaged in, creating works of art –lanterns, wesak pandols and other decorations to light up the villages. A special feature will be the decorated and illuminated barges floating on the Bentota river; which will also be the stage for the choristers singing the soothing songs of worship – Bakthee Gee . Visitors to Bentota and Beruwela this year on the 19th and 20th of May, will take back with them an experience of one of Sri Lanka’s most treasured festivals; a memory to be cherished.

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